Off-Road Truck & 4×4 Wheel Alignment

If you own a 4×4 or an off-road truck, you know that wheel and tire alignments are an important part of maintaining your vehicle’s performance and safety. There are several reasons why your vehicle needs an alignment.If you have made any upgrades or alterations to your suspension, an alignment will ensure optimal tire life and proper vehicle handling. This is especially important for off-road enthusiasts who have installed lift kits or other suspension modifications, as small changes in ride height can have a dramatic impact on a vehicle’s alignment.

If you are experiencing poor handling characteristics such as pulling to one side or difficulty maintaining a straight line, a 4×4 alignment can help to resolve those issues. This will improve your driving experience by making your vehicle safer and more enjoyable to operate.

Does Off-Roading Affect Wheel and Tire Alignment?

The very nature of off-roading entails a great deal of uncertainty and unpredictable variables. Rocks, ditches, and bumps can all cause your wheels to become misaligned, which is one of the most common problems drivers experience after off-roading. An improper or out-of-balance alignment can be a severe hazard when driving. If you are planning on doing any off-road driving, you should have your 4×4 or off-road truck inspected by a certified alignment technician after every off-roading adventure.

How Often Do I Need to Align My Truck?

How often you will need to align your 4×4 or off-road truck depends on a number of factors. If you have installed any aftermarket parts, such as a lift kit, upgraded steering components, or bigger wheels and tires, then your vehicle may require frequent alignments. This is because these types of modifications can cause increased wear and tear on your suspension components.

Additionally, if you take your vehicle off-roading, frequent wheel and tire alignments may also be necessary. As mentioned before, the rough and rugged conditions of off-road trails can cause damage to steering and suspension components, which lead to misalignment over time.

That said, even if you do not modify your truck or take it off-road, regular wear and tear can still cause misalignment. It is a good idea to get your alignment checked at least once a year. If you notice any abnormalities or difficulties while driving, then having your alignment checked more often is recommended.

Alignment Measurements


When viewed from the front of a vehicle, camber is the angle of the tire in relation to the vertical. A tire has negative camber when the top of the tire leans towards the vehicle, and positive camber when the top of the tire leans away from the vehicle. Camber is measured in degrees and can vary depending on the make and model of the car.

Camber should be adjusted to maximize contact patch, meaning the tire should contact the road’s surface during cornering. However, camber slightly changes as the vehicle’s suspension moves during travel, so the camber measurement will depend on driving habits.

illustration of off-road tire with negative and positive camber
illustration of off-road tires with toe-in and toe-out alignment


When viewed from the top of a vehicle, toe is the difference in distance between the front edge of the tires and the rear edge of the tires. Like camber, toe is measured in degrees and can also vary depending on make and model.

The goal of proper toe calibration is to provide proper tire wear through various driving conditions. Assuming that the rest of the vehicle’s suspension is correctly aligned, toe-in will result in additional understeer, whereas toe-out will result in additional oversteer. For example, a toed-in configuration will turn at less of an angle than the outside of the tire, and toed-out configuration will turn at a greater angle.

In off-road driving situations, typically a balanced toe measurement such as 0, or as close to 0 as possible, is recommended.


In the end, a 4×4 or off-road truck wheel and tire alignment is essential for off-road enthusiasts who want to ensure their truck is operating at optimal performance levels. By having your alignment regularly checked and maintained, you can greatly improve your truck’s performance and safety, as well as extend the tire’s lifespan.

To learn more about off-roading and off-road tires, check out our in-depth tire guide.